It was a great morning for a bicycle ride! 64 degrees, low humidity. 14.2 miles today. Sundays are great mornings to ride because of the lower traffic. I got off at 6:15a.m. and back by 8:20a.m. with two rest stops. In the foothills area around Liberty (SC), it is a lot of up and down hills with not to many level places. In Liberty itself, it is fairly level. Love the levels and down hills. Slight upward grades and low hills with shallow grades, I’m getting OK with as I get in better shape and increase my endurance. The uphills can be real challenges though. Photo above is at a rest/hydration stop on Hwy 137 in Norris, SC.
My short term goal is to get in good enough shape to do the North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway, which has some tough mountain climbs on it. I plan on doing that this coming September. My longer term goal, and on my Bucket List, is a bike ride Canyon Tour of canyon country in Utah. I want to do some touring/camping tours.
Here is my trusty touring steed, an R.E.I. A1.1 touring bike. Still getting it outfitted and getting used to the bike. Getting in and out of the peddle cleats has been an interesting challenge. I’ve only fallen over once so far when I couldn’t get my feet out of the cleats in time when stopping. Old dogs learn new tricks–slowly.
Going off to fix some breakfast now. I’m thinking: huevos rancheros, if I have enough green chilis available. I like green sauce on them as opposed to red. A Moche Latte would be nice as I’m preparing them.