Darrell G. Yardley, PhD, LPC, scientist, health educator, national speaker, author, licensed professional counselor (retired), life coach and nature-based spiritual consultant.

His background includes Professor Emeritus of Zoology at Clemson University with specialties in psychobiology, neurobiology, and evolutionary biology. He also draws from his experiences in mindfulness (Zen practitioner for three decades); from Native American (Plains Indians and Aztec) spirituality (e.g. pipe ceremonies, sweat lodges, vision quests); and from counseling, clinical sexology, advanced clinical hypnotherapy, and equine-assisted counseling.

On the spiritual side and most relevant to his consultation offerings, in 1997, while involved in a two-year advanced hypnotherapy training, he was shown his shamanic abilities after an encounter with the Navajo version of the Wiccan Goddess, Turquoise Woman. You can read about this encounter in his book WindWalker: Journey into Science, Self, and Spirit, available from this website.

He is father of three adult children, grandfather of five, great grandfather of one. At this point, he lives pretty much as a hermit focused on gardening, eco-living, bicycling and riding his Harley, his only two modes of transportation other than walking.

In addition to his book WindWalker: Journey into Science, Self, and Spirit (available through his website), he has published over 75 scientific articles (evolutionary genetics), manuals (shamanism psychobiology), and papers in biology, sociology, spirituality, and counseling. (See curriculum vitae.) His latest book, The Guru on the Mountain: Chiggers, Lizards & Desert Heat: My Vision Quest to Discover the Source of Spirit is available on Amazon.com.